Appetite For Destruction
Guitar Pro Tab | v5.10
| Posted on Feb. 20, 2012, 6:22 p.m.
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Appetite For Destruction
Song Author
Guns N' Roses
File Size
1186 KB
[Welcome To The Jungle]
Wel-come to the jun-gle
We got fun 'n' games
We got ev-'ry-thing you want
Hon-ey we know the names
We are the peo-ple that can find
What-ev-er you may need
If you got the mon-ey, hon-ey
We got your dis-ease
In the jun-gle
Wel-come to the jun-gle
Watch it bring you to your
Sha na na na na na na na na na na na
Knees, knees
Uh, ah
I wan-na watch you bleed
Wel-come to the jun-gle
We take it day by day
If you want it you're gon-na bleed
But it's the price you pay
And you're a ver-y sex-y girl
Who's ver-y hard to please
You can taste the bright lights
But you won't get them for free
In the jun-gle
Wel-come to the jun-gle
Feel my, my, my
My ser-pen-tine
Uh, ah
I wan-na hear you scream
Wel-come to the jun-gle
It gets worse here ev-'ry day
You learn to live like an an-i-mal
In the jun-gle where we play
If you got a hun-ger for what you see
You'll take it e-ven-tu'l-ly
You can have an-y-thing you want
But you bet-ter not take it from me
In the jun-gle
Wel-come to the jun-gle
Watch it bring you to your
Sha na na na na na na na na na na na
Knees, knees
I'm gon-na watch you bleed
And when you're high
You nev-er ev-er want to come down
So down So down So down
Yeah Now
You know where you are
You're in the jun-gle ba-by
You're gon-na die
In the jun-gle
Wel-come to the jun-gle
Watch it bring you to your
Sha na na na na na na na na na na na
Knees Knees
In the jun-gle
Wel-come to the jun-gle
Feel my, oh, my, my
My ser-pen-tine
Wel-come to the jun-gle
Watch it bring you to your
Sha na na na na na na na na na na na
Knees knees
Down in the jun-gle
Wel-come to the jun-gle
Watch it bring you to your
It's gon-na bring you down
[It's So Easy]
I see your sis-ter in her Sun-day dress
She's out to please, she pouts her best
She's out to take, no need to try
She's read-y to make
It's so eas-y, eas-y
When ev-'ry-bod-y's try-in' to please me, ba-by
It's so eas-y, eas-y
When ev-'ry-bod-y's try-in' to please me
Cars are crash-in' ev-'ry night
I drink 'n' drive, ev-'ry-thing's in sight
I make the fi-re but I miss the fire fight
I hit the bull's-eye ev-'ry night
It's so eas-y, eas-y
When ev-'ry-bod-y's try-in' to please me, ba-by
It's so eas-y, eas-y
When ev-'ry-bod-y's try-in' to please me
So eas-y
But noth-in' seems to please me
It all fits so right
When I fade in-to the night
See me hit you
You fall down
I see you stand-in' there
You think you're so cool
Why don't you just
Fuck off
Ya get noth-in' for noth-in'
If that's what you do
Turn a-round bitch I got a use for you
Be-sides you ain't got noth-in' bet-ter to do
And I'm bored
It's so eas-y, eas-y
When ev-'ry-bod-y's try-in' to please me, ba-by
It's so eas-y, eas-y
When ev-'ry-bod-y's try-in' to please me
So eas-y
But noth-in' seems to please me
It all fits so right
When I fade in-to the night
So come with me
Don't ask me where 'cause I don't know
I'll try to please you
I ain't got no mon-ey but it goes to show
It's so eas-y
So fuck-in' eas-y
It's so eas-y
So damn eas-y
It's so eas-y
So fuck-in' eas-y
It's so eas-y
Oh! So eas-y
It's so eas-y
So fuck-in' eas-y
It's so eas-y
Load-ed like a freight train
Fly-in' like an aer-o-plane
Feel-in' like a space brain
One more time to-night
Look out!
Well I'm a west coast strut-tin'
One bad moth-er
Got a rat-tle-snake suit-case
Un-der my arm
Said I'm a mean ma-chine
Been drink-in gas-o-line
An' hon-ey
You can make my mo-tor hum
Well I got one chance left
In a nine live cat
I got a, a dog eat dog sly smile
I got a Mol-o-tov cock-tail with a match to go
I smoke my cig-a-rette with style
And I can tell you hon-ey
You can make my mon-ey to-night
Wake up late
Hon-ey put on your clothes
And take your cred-it card to the liq-uor store
Well that's one for you and two for me by to-night
I'll be load-ed like a freight train
Fly-in' like an aer-o-plane
Feel-in' like a space brain one more time to-night
I'm on the night-train
Bot-toms up
I'm on the night-train
Fill my cup
I'm on the night-train
Read-y to crash and burn
I nev-er learn
I'm on the night-train
I love that stuff
I'm on the night-train
And I can nev-er get e-nough
I'm on the night-train
Nev-er to re-turn
Load-ed like a freight train
Fly-in' like an aer-o-plane
Speed-in' like a space brain
One more time to-night
I'm on the night-train
And I'm look-in' for some
I'm on the night-train
So's I can leave this slum
I'm on the night-train
And I'm read-y to crash and burn
[Out Ta Get Me]
Been hid-in' out and lay-in' low
It's noth-ing new to me
Well, you can al-ways find a place to go
If you can keep your san-i-ty
They break down my doors and they rape my rights
But they won't touch me
Just scream and yell and fight all night
You can't tell me
I lose my head I close my eyes
They won't touch me
'Cause I got some-thin' I been build-in' up in-side
For so fuck-ing long
They're out ta get me
They won't catch me
I'm fuck-in' in-no-cent
They won't break me
Some-times it's eas-y to for-get where you're go-in'
Some-times it's hard-er to leave
And ev-'ry time you think you know just what you're do-in'
That's when your trou-bles ex-ceed
They push me in a cor-ner just to get me to fight
But they won't touch me
They preach and yell and fight all night
You can't tell me
I lose my head I close my eyes
They won't touch me
'Cause I got some-thin' I been build-in' up in-side
For so fuck-ing long
They're out ta get me
They won't catch me
I'm fuck-in' in-no-cent
They won't break me
Some peo-ple got a chip on their shoul-der
And some would say it was me
But I did-n't buy that fifth of whis-key that you gave me
So I'd be quick to dis-a-gree
They're out ta get me
They won't catch me
I'm fuck-in' in-no-cent
They won't break me
They're out ta get me
They won't catch me
'Cause I'm in-no-cent
So you can suck me
Take that one to heart
[Mr. Brownstone]
I get up a-round sev-en
Get out-ta bed a-round nine
And I don't wor-ry a-bout noth-in', no
'Cause wor-ry-in's a waste of my time
The show us-ua-'ly starts a-round sev-en
We go on stage a-round nine
Get on the bus a-round e-lev-en
Sip-pin' a drink and feel-in' fine
We been danc-in' with
Mis-ter Brown-stone
He's been knock-in'
He won't leave me a-lone
No, no, no
He won't leave me a-lone
I used to do a lit-tle but a lit-tle would-n't do
And so the lit-tle got more and more
I just keep try-in' to get a lit-tle bet-ter
Said a lit-tle bet-ter than be-fore
I used to do a lit-tle but a lit-tle would-n't do
And so the lit-tle got more and more
I just keep try-in' to get a lit-tle bet-ter
Said a lit-tle bet-ter than be-fore
We been danc-in' with
Mis-ter Brown-stone
He's been knock-in'
He won't leave me a-lone
No, no, no
He won't leave me a-lone
Now I get up a-round when-ev-er
I used to get up on time
But that old man, he's a real muth-a-fuck-er
Gon-na kick him on down the line
I used to do a lit-tle but a lit-tle would-n't do
And so the lit-tle got more and more
I just keep try-in' to get a lit-tle bet-ter
Said a lit-tle bet-ter than be-fore
I used to do a lit-tle but a lit-tle would-n't do
And so the lit-tle got more and more
I just keep try-in' to get a lit-tle bet-ter
Said a lit-tle bet-ter than be-fore
We been danc-in' with
Mis-ter Brown-stone
He's been knock-in'
He won't leave me a-lone
No, no, no
He won't leave me a-lone
Stuck it in the mid-dle
And I shot it in the mid-dle
And it, it drove me out-ta my mind
I should-'ve known bet-ter
Said I wish I nev-er met her
Said I, I leave it all be-hind
[Paradise City]
Take me down to the par-a-dise cit-y
Where the grass is green and the girls are pret-ty
Oh, won't you please take me home
Take me down to the par-a-dise cit-y
Where the grass is green and the girls are pret-ty
Oh, won't you please take me home
Just a ur-chin liv-in' un-der the street
I'm a hard case that's tough to beat
I'm your char-i-ty case, so buy me some-thing to eat
I'll pay you at an-oth-er time
Take it to the end of the line
Ragz to rich-ez, or so they say
Ya got-ta keep push-in' for the for-tune and fame
You know it's, it's all a gam-ble when it's just a game
Ya treat it like a cap-i-tal crime
Ev-'ry-bo-dy's do-in' their time
Take me down to the par-a-dise cit-y
Where the grass is green and the girls are pret-ty
Oh, won't you please take me home, yeah yeah
Take me down to the par-a-dise cit-y
Where the grass is green and the girls are pret-ty
Take me home
Strapped in the chair of the cit-y's gas cham-ber
Why I'm here I can't quite re-mem-ber
The sur-geon gen-er-al says it's ha-zar-dous to breathe
I'd have an-oth-er ci-ga-rette but I can't see
Tell me who ya gon-na be-lieve
Take me down to the par-a-dise cit-y
Where the grass is green and the girls are pret-ty
Take me home, yeah yeah
Take me down to the par-a-dise cit-y
Where the grass is green and the girls are pret-ty
Oh, won't you please take me home, yeah
So far a-way
So far a-way
So far a-way
So far a-way
Cap-tain A-me-ri-ca's been torn a-part now
He's a court jes-ter with a bro-ken heart, he said
Turn me a-round and take me back to the start
I must be los-in' my mind, are you blind
I've seen it all a mill-ion times
Take me down to the par-a-dise cit-y
Where the grass is green and the girls are pret-ty
Take me home, yeah yeah
Take me down to the par-a-dise cit-y
Where the grass is green and the girls are pret-ty
Oh, won't you please take me home
Take me down to the par-a-dise cit-y
Where the grass is green and the girls are pret-ty
Take me home, yeah yeah
Take me down to the par-a-dise cit-y
Where the grass is green and the girls are pret-ty
Oh, won't you please take me home, home
Oh, won't you please take me home
[My Michelle]
Your dad-dy works in por-no
Now that mom-my's not a-round
She used to love her her-o-in
But now she's un-der-ground
So you stay out late at night
And you do your coke for free
Driv-in' your friends cra-zy
With your life's in-san-i-ty
Well, well, well
You just can't tell
Well, well, well
My Mi-chelle
Look out!
Sow-in' all your wild outs
In a-no-ther's lux-ur-ies
Yes-ter-day was Tues-day
May-be Thurs-day you can sleep
But school starts much too ear-ly
And this ho-tel was-n't free
So par-ty till your con-nec-tion calls
Hon-ey I'll re-turn the key
Well, well, well
You just can't tell
Well, well, well
My Mi-chelle
Well, well, well
You nev-er can tell
Well, well, well
My Mi-chelle
Ev-'ry-one needs love
You know that it's true
Some-day you'll find some-one
That-'ll fall in love with you
But oh the time it takes
When you're all a-lone
Some-day you'll find some-one
That you can call your own
But till then ya bet-ter
Now you're clean and so dis-creet
I won't say a word
But most of all this song is true
Case you have-n't heard
So come on and stop your cry-in'
We both know mon-ey burns
Hon-ey don't stop try-in'
And you'll get what you de-serve
Well, well, well
You just can't tell
Well, well, well
My Mi-chelle
Well, well, well
You nev-er can tell
Well, well, well
My Mi-chelle Yeah
My my my Mi-chelle
My my my Mi-chelle
Ooh my, my, my, my, my, my, my Mi-chelle
My, my, my, my, my, my, my, my Mi-chelle
[Think About You]
I say ba-by you been look-in' real good
You know that I re-mem-ber when we met
It's fun-ny how it nev-er felt so good
It's a feel-in' that I know, I know I'll nev-er for-get
Ooh it was the best time I can re-mem-ber
Ooh and the love we shared, lov-in' that-'ll last for-ev-er
There was-n't much in this heart of mine
There was a lit-tle left and babe you found it
It's fun-ny how I nev-er felt so high
It's a feel-in' that I know, I know I'll nev-er for-get
Ooh it was the best time I can re-mem-ber
Ooh and the love we shared, lov-in' that-'ll last for-ev-er
I think a-bout you
Hon-ey all the time my heart says yes
I think a-bout you
Deep in-side I love you best
I think a-bout you
You know you're the one I want
I think a-bout you
Dar-ling you're the on-ly one
I think a-bout you
I think a-bout you
You know that I do
I think a-bout you
All a-lone on-ly you
I think a-bout you
Ah it's true
I think a-bout you
Ba-by yes I do
Some-thin' changed in this heart of mine
You know that I'm so glad that you showed me
Hon-ey now you're my best friend
I wan-na stay to-geth-er till the ve-ry end
Ooh it was the best time I can re-mem-ber
Ooh and the love we shared, lov-in' that-'ll last for-ev-er
I think a-bout you
Hon-ey all the time my heart says yes
I think a-bout you
Deep in-side I love you best
I think a-bout you
You know you're the one I want
I think a-bout you
Dar-ling you're the on-ly one
I think a-bout you
I think a-bout you
I think a-bout you
On-ly you
I think a-bout you
I think a-bout you
I think a-bout you
On-ly you
On-ly you
[Sweet Child O' Mine]
She's got a smile and it seems to me
Re-minds me of child-hood mem-o-ries
Where ev-'ry-thing was as fresh
As the bright blue sky
Now and then when I see her face
She takes me a-way to that spe-cial place
And if I stared too long
I'll prob-'ly break down and cry
Whoa whoa whoa
Sweet child o' mine
Whoa oh oh oh
Sweet love of mine
She's got eyes of the blu-est skies
As if they thought of rain
I hate to look in-to those eyes
And see an ounce of pain
Her hair re-minds me of a warm safe place where
As a child I'd hide
And pray for the thun-der and the rain
To qui-et-ly pass me by
Whoa whoa whoa
Sweet child o' mine
Whoa oh oh oh
Sweet love of mine
Whoa whoa whoa
Sweet child o' mine
Whoa oh oh oh
Sweet love of mine
Oh oh oh oh
Sweet child o' mine
Woo yeah yeah
Sweet love of mine
Where do we go
Where do we go now
Where do we go
Where do we go
Where do we go now
Where do we go
Where do we go
Sweet child
Where do we go now
I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I
Where do we go now
Where do we go
Where do we go now
Where do we go
Where do we go now
Where do we go
Where do we go now
No, no, no, no, no, no, no
Sweet child
Sweet child o' mine
[You're Crazy]
I been look-in' for a train
Look-in' for a heart
Look-in' for a lov-er
In a world that's much to dark
You don't want my love
You want sat-is-fac-tion
Ooh yeah
You don't need my love
You got-ta find your-self an-oth-er
Piece of the ac-tion yeah
Said where you go-in'
What you gon-na do
I been look-in' ev-'ry-where
I been look-in' for you
You don't want my love
You want sat-is-fac-tion
Ooh yeah
You don't need my love
You got-ta find your-self an-oth-er
Piece of the ac-tion
'Cause your cra-zy
You're fuck-in' cra-zy
Ya know you're cra-zy
I said you're cra-zy
Say boy where ya com-in' from
Where'd ya get that point of view
When I was young-er
Said I knew some-one like you
And they said you don't want my love
You want sat-is-fac-tion
Ooh yeah
You don't need my love
You got-ta find your-self an-oth-er
Piece of the ac-tion
'Cause your cra-zy
You're fuck-in' cra-zy
Ya know you're cra-zy
I said you're cra-zy
Ooh. you're cra-zy
Ah, ah, ah
You know you're cray-ay-ay-ay-ay-zy
Well you're cra-zy
You know you're cra-zy
Oh, you know you are
Bring it down
You're fuck-in' cra-zy
[Anything Goes]
I been think-in' 'bout, think-in' 'bout sex
Al-ways hun-gry for some-thin' that I have-n't had yet
Well may-be, ba-by, you got some-thin' to lose
Well, I got some-thin', I got some-thin' for you
My way, your way
An-y-thing goes to-night
My way, your way
An-y-thing goes to
Pan-ties 'round your knees with your ass in de-bris
Do-in' dat grind with a push and squeeze
Tied up, tied down, up a-gainst the wall
Be my rub-ber-made ba-by an' we can do it all
My way, your way
An-y-thing goes to-night
My way, your way
An-y-thing goes to-ni-i-i-i-i-i ye-yeah, yeah
My way, your way
An-y-thing goes to-night
My way, your way
An-y-thing goes to-night yeah
My way, your way
An-y-thing goes to-night
My way, your way
An-y-thing goes to-night
Whoa, yeah
My way, your way
An-y-thing goes to-ni-i-i-i-i-i yeah
My way, your way
An-y-thing goes to
My way, your way
An-y-thing goes to-night
An-y-thing goes to-night
Woh, oh, oh
Wo, wo, wo
Oh, oh, oh
Oh, oh
Said an-y-thing goes to-night
[Rocket Queen]
If I say I don't need an-y-one
I can say these things to you
'Cause I can turn on an-y-one
Just like I turned on you
I've got a tongue like a ra-zor
A sweet switch-blade knife
And I can do you fa-vors
But then you'll do what-ev-er I like
Here I am
And you're a rock-et queen
I might be a lit-tle young
But hon-ey I ain't na-ive
Here I am
And you're a rock-et queen oh yeah
I might be too much
But hon-ey you're a bit ob-scene
I've seen ev-'ry-thing i-mag-'na-ble
Pass be-fore these eyes
I've had ev-'ry-thing that's tan-gi-ble
Hon-ey you'd be sur-prised
I'm a sex-u-al in-nu-en-do
In this burned out par-a-dise
If you turn me on to an-y-thing
You bet-ter turn me on to-night
Here I am
And you're a rock-et queen
I might be a lit-tle young
But hon-ey I ain't na-ive
Here I am
And you're a rock-et queen oh yeah
I might be too much
But hon-ey you're a bit ob-scene
Here I am
And you're a rock-et queen
I might be a lit-tle young
But hon-ey I ain't na-ive
Here I am
And you're a rock-et queen oh yeah
I might be too much
But hon-ey you're a bit ob-scene
I see you stand-in'
Stand-in' on your own
It's such a lone-ly place for you
For you to be
If you need a shoul-der
Or if you need a friend
I'll be here stand-in'
Un-til the bit-ter end
No one needs the sor-row
No one needs the pain
I hate to see you walk-in' out there
Out in the rain
So don't chas-tise me
Or think I, I mean you harm
Of those that take you
Leave you strung out much too far, ba-by yeah
Woh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh
No no no, no no no, no no no, no no
No, no, no, no
No oh oh
Woh oh oh oh
Woh oh oh oh
Ba-by yeah
Don't ev-er leave me
Say you'll al-ways be there
All I ev-er want-ed was for you
To know that I care